Christmas with David’s Tea

So I seem to be starting a couple of Seasonal traditions here in Canada. Like the egg nogDavid’s Tea seems to have become part of our pre-Christmas warm-up. For the second year running, my early Christmas gifts have included David’s Tea. Last year I received Oh Canada! Rooibos Tea and Grilled Pineapple Green Tea along with the absolute cutest penguin tea infuser. This year I received Hot Chocolate Tea with an adorable bauble to go on our Christmas Tree (whenever we get around to getting one – hopefully soon). I never buy David’s Tea myself so it’s nice to get something different at this time of year.

One thing I’ve noticed with David’s Tea is that they are been invariably sweet. This is not something I traditionally like in my teas. The four teas I typically drink (when not guzzling down plain hot water – I drink a lot of hot water), are English Breakfast, Earl Grey, Green, or Peppermint Tea. Especially peppermint tea. None of these is particularly sugary so encountering David’s Tea was a bit a shock and not one I particularly enjoyed. Don’t get me wrong I love sugar, but if I want it, I’ll put it in. Generally, I prefer the sugar on the side in the form of a dunkable biscuit. Shouldn’t the tea provide just the flavour? Then the consumer can sweeten to their heart’s content, if at all.

The Grilled Pineapple and Oh Canada! (basically maple syrup in tea form) were really fun flavours. I just won’t be going back for seconds. In fact, one year on and we still have the small gift bags of these two teas in the back of our tea/coffee cupboard waiting to be finished. I was pleasantly surprised, however, when it came to the Hot Chocolate Tea. It was like having a hot chocolate without milk or, to be more accurate, like a Milo on a school camp when teachers piled the milo in by the truckload and skimped on the milk. It kicked my nostalgia for school camps into gear, yet it was Christmasy at the same time. I kind of enjoyed it – this tea version of hot chocolate was pretty darn good. I suppose the lumps of Chocolate throughout the tea leaves didn’t hurt my opinion of the drink either.


Note the large amount of chocolate shavings in this tea ❤️


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